- author's royalty
- авторский гонорар
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
royalty — roy·al·ty n pl ties 1: a right delegated (as to an individual or corporation) by a sovereign 2 a: a share of the profit or product reserved by the grantor esp. of an oil or mineral lease compare overriding royalty b: a payment made to an author… … Law dictionary
Royalty Digest — was a monthly journal, featuring articles and reviews on British and European royalty from around 1800 to the present day. Edited and published by Paul Minet of Piccadilly Rare Books, East Sussex, the first issue appeared in July 1991 and the… … Wikipedia
royalty — late 14c., office or position of a sovereign, from O.Fr. roialte, from V.L. *regalitatem (nom. *regalitas), from L. regalis (see ROYAL (Cf. royal)). Sense of prerogatives or rights granted by a sovereign to an individual or corporation is from… … Etymology dictionary
royalty — ► NOUN (pl. royalties) 1) people of royal blood or status. 2) the status or power of a king or queen. 3) a sum paid for the use of a patent or to an author or composer for each copy of a work sold or for each public performance. 4) a royal right… … English terms dictionary
royalty — [roi′əl tē] n. pl. royalties [ME roialte < OFr < ML regalitas < L regalis,REGAL] 1. the rank, status, or power of a king or queen; royal position, dignity, etc.; sovereignty 2. a royal person or, collectively, royal persons 3. Archaic a… … English World dictionary
Author — Authorship redirects here. For the use in academia, see Academic authorship. For other uses, see Author (disambiguation). An author is broadly defined as the person who originates or gives existence to anything and that authorship determines… … Wikipedia
royalty — Compensation for the use of property, usually copyrighted material or natural resources, expressed as a percentage of receipts from using the property or as an account per unit produced. A payment which is made to an author or composer by an… … Black's law dictionary
royalty — /roy euhl tee/, n., pl. royalties. 1. royal persons collectively. 2. royal status, dignity, or power; sovereignty: to be elevated to royalty. 3. a person of royal lineage; member of a royal family. 4. royalties, Archaic. prerogatives, rights, or… … Universalium
royalty — noun 1 members of a royal family ADJECTIVE ▪ minor (esp. BrE) PHRASES ▪ in the presence of royalty ▪ She behaved as if she were in the presence of royalty. 2 (usually royalties) money paid to an author, etc … Collocations dictionary
royalty — n. percentage of revenue 1) to pay a royalty/royalties on (the publisher paid them royalties on their dictionaries) 2) to bring in, earn royalties (the book brings in handsome royalties) 3) author s royalties * * * [ rɔɪəltɪ] earn royaltyies (the … Combinatory dictionary
royalty — The consideration payable by the lessee to the lessor under an oil or gas lease. 24 Am J1st Gas & O § 65. The right to share in production of oil or gas. Anno: 4 ALR2d 497. Compensation for the privilege of drilling and producing gas and oil,… … Ballentine's law dictionary